Miramar BRDM Goofin' with Swagger – chocoTaco PUBG Duos Gameplay

Miramar BRDM Goofin' with Swagger – chocoTaco PUBG Duos Gameplay

Miramar BRDM Goofin' with Swagger – chocoTaco PUBG Duos Gameplay

60253 , 5.00 , #Miramar #BRDM #Goofin39 #Swagger #chocoTaco #PUBG #Duos #Gameplay
The chocolate Tacolate is the ultimate influencer, dear viewer. He mentions Skittles, you buy Skittles. Everyone loves tasting the rainbow. Except me. I struggle with Skittles because when I was 8 years old my best friend and I ate a very large bag during a sleepover and then the next day I puked at Target. Do not recommend. But chat raises a very good question: OG Lime or the more recent Green Apple (which was ultimately switched back to Lime because the creators realized they done goofed, not unlike the current Sanhok developments)? And let’s pretend for a second that I’m actually writing a description about this game. I should probably mention a Kar98 and M4 and Miramar and BRDM and Pecado aaaaand that’s about it. Hope your day’s going well. Enjoy! – Beth

See choco stream LIVE at
You can follow his Twitter here:

Music: “DuDa” by Ian Post, from

Keywords: PUBG gameplay, chocoTaco, #chocoTaco #PUBG #Swagger .

Nguồn: https://tudienphapluat.net/

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