Swagger Doesn't Believe chocoTaco Has This Many Kills – PUBG Erangel Duos Gameplay

Swagger Doesn't Believe chocoTaco Has This Many Kills – PUBG Erangel Duos Gameplay

Swagger Doesn't Believe chocoTaco Has This Many Kills – PUBG Erangel Duos Gameplay

29460 , 5.00 , #Swagger #Doesn39t #chocoTaco #Kills #PUBG #Erangel #Duos #Gameplay
Yes, dear viewer, I used a slightly click-baity title for this video. HOWEVER, the title also happens to be true, so I don’t feel bad about it. The chocolate Tacolate does indeed get a LOT of kills at the beginning of the game, and Swagger doesn’t believe him. In fact, Swagger guesses that choco only has half his actual number of kills. O ye of little faith, Swag. Enjoy! – Beth

See choco stream LIVE at
You can follow his Twitter here:

Music: “DuDa” by Ian Post, from

Keywords: PUBG gameplay, chocoTaco, #chocoTaco #PUBG #Swagger .

Nguồn: https://tudienphapluat.net/

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