Winchester Sniping on Karakin ft. Halifax – chocoTaco PUBG Duos Gameplay

Winchester Sniping on Karakin ft. Halifax – chocoTaco PUBG Duos Gameplay

Winchester Sniping on Karakin ft. Halifax – chocoTaco PUBG Duos Gameplay

26602 , 5.00 , #Winchester #Sniping #Karakin #Halifax #chocoTaco #PUBG #Duos #Gameplay
The chocolate Tacolate doesn’t like to record his Karakin games, dear viewer, because Karakin is a pretty awful map. However, I tracked this one down because he has some decent Winchester snipes in it. Also, and this message is for choco’s headphone cable directly: “no” means “no.” Respect the “no.” To the rest of you: enjoy! – Beth

See choco stream LIVE at
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Music: “DuDa” by Ian Post, from

Keywords: PUBG gameplay, chocoTaco, #chocoTaco #PUBG #Halifax .


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